November 2020

Instagram Shops Now Available on IGTV

Instagram is one of the most used social apps out there. With over 500 million active users on Instagram daily and up to 200 million people visiting a business profile daily, Instagram can be a small businesses’ pot of gold.  With Instagram, your business can connect with up to 30% of demographics with potentially high Read More

How to Optimize Your Facebook Ads

Facebook is the king of social media with over 2 billion active users per month. Businesses are not slacking when it comes to this app. Within just the first quarter of 2020, Facebook generated a whopping $17.44 billion in ad revenue. When you optimize your Facebook Ads, you’ll get more out of the opportunities that Read More

How to Boost Your Google SEO Rankings

If you run a small business, you’ve probably heard of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) at some point. Outdated information has caused many companies to make the wrong SEO moves, such as keyword stuffing, using unnatural links, or over-optimized anchors to try and boost their Google SEO rankings. Practices like these will lead to lower rankings Read More

Why Pool & Spa Companies Need Customer Text Messaging

Unlike Fortune 500s and other big companies that can get away with pumping a lot of resources into their marketing strategies, pool and spa businesses need to use a more cost-effective approach. One such method is Customer Text Messaging.  Text messaging can be an excellent way for small businesses to directly reach their customers and Read More

How to Read Google Ads Reports

Google ads reports are an essential tool for any pool and spa business. They provide useful reporting information on the reach and engagement your advertisements generate. This information can further help in designing successful marketing campaigns.  Pool and spa business owners can increase their sales by investing in digital advertising and using Google Ads reports Read More