Brief Guide to ‘Grow My Store’ – Google’s Website Analysis Tool

Grow My Store is a website analysis tool by Google that shows how your website performs against your competitors. Here we break down what ‘Grow My Store’ is and if your business needs to use it.

Want to know how your pool and spa retail site stacks up against the competition?

You’re in luck. Google now has a retail site analysis tool called Grow My Store that can tell you how your website performs and recommendations for improvement. Google describes the platform as a way to ‘boost your business with a quick and easy evaluation of your retail website.’

What is Google Grow My Store?

Grow My Store Google’s tool for analyzing a retail website’s ‘customer experience,’ providing tips for improvement. When your website is analyzed, Google gives you a report organized based on essential factors for customers, such as:

  • Product information
  • Store details
  • Personalization
  • Frictionless shopping experiences
  • Site performance

To decide what customers are looking for in a website, Google uses insights from studies it conducted in partnership with global research agencies. Using this data, the tool creates a personalized report for your website to see how it stacks up against sites that offer ‘Best in Class’ customer experiences.

How to Use Google Grow My Store

Visit the Grow My Store website, enter your site URL, and the report will start running automatically. Then, you’ll then be prompted to tell Google about your business. For example, does your business sell online, in-store, or both?

Next, select your industry. You can choose as many options as you want

Once you click continue, Google will show you a preview of your report. To get the full report, sign up using the ‘Get my full report’ button. 

From there, enter your details, and wait for the full report to finish running. Once it’s finished, view your report to see how your website stacks up and where you can improve.

If you need help with your digital marketing, contact us today. We have a team of 26 pool and spa marketing experts ready to help your business scale efficiently.

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